The Euro PM2017 Steering Committee is chaired by:
Prof Alberto Molinari
Professor of Metallurgy
University of Trento, Italy
Mr Paulo Cecchinato
Sales Manager
Pometon SpA, Italy
Steering Committee Members
The EPMA would like to express its gratitude to members of the Steering Committee for their generous help and support during the organisation of the event:
Dr Lionel Aboussouan (EPMA, France)
Dr Marco Actis Grande (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Mr Andrew Almond (EPMA, United Kingdom)
Dipl.-Ing. Claus Aumund-Kopp (Fraunhofer IFAM, Germany)
Dr Federica Bassani (Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia, Italy)
Miss Kate Blackbourne (EPMA, United Kingdom)
Mr Ralf Carlström (Höganäs AB, Sweden)
Mr Paolo Cecchinato (Pometon SpA., Italy)
Dr Olivier Coube (EPMA, France)
Dr Riccardo Crosa (Höganäs Italia Srl, Italy)
Dr Susan Davies (Bodycote Hot Isostatic Pressing AB, United Kingdom)
Prof Dr Alessandro DeNicolo (GKN Sinter Metals AG, Italy)
Ing Matteo Federici (Sacmi Imola S.C., Italy)
Mr Philippe Gundermann (Eramet Group, France)
Mr Peter Kjeldsteen (Sintex a/s, Denmark)
Prof Alberto Molinari (Trento University, Italy)
Dr Cesar Molins (AMES SA, Spain)
Prof Frank Petzoldt (Fraunhofer IFAM, Germany)
Dr Leo Prakash (Kyocera Unimerco, Germany)
Mr Massimiliano Puddu (Pometon SpA., Italy)
Prof Maurizio Vedani (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)